A as in Adana Restful Thoughts of Peace in Malagasy of Madagascar
A Daily Dose of Peace. Each week, I focus on Love, Joy, and Peace in the world languages. February’s second week focuses on words of peace that start with “A” around the word.
Adana Slowly Running After Peace
In Malagasy spoken in Madagascar
slow prudent actions lead to peace
tranquility and happiness
and restful thoughts
Adana means slow peaceful tranquil
grave and prudent in action
As said in Malagasy
“Ny fandrian’ ny eritreritra
no tena fiadanana”
or “It is the rest of the thought
that is true peace”
In French “C’ est le repos de la pensée
qui est la vraie paix”
Another translation of
“Ny fandrian’ ny eritreritra
no tena fiadanana”
is do not worry
about sleeping well
Counting sheep or
“Enti-milaza olona miseho ho dodona erý
nefa tsy hita izay afany” in Malagasy
In French “Être pressé mais ne pas aller vite
comme des moutons en marche”
“being in a hurry but not going fast
like running sheep”
Are we running after peace like sheep
should we instead give prudent thought
to our actions
achieving more quickly the peace we seek
in “Adana” or another Malagasy word
for peace “Fandriampahalamana”
Malagasy (mlg) is an Austronesian language of Madagascar. Malagasy-English Peace Dictionary: “Adana” (peace), “Fandriampahalamana” (peace), “Fiadànana” (the peace), “Fiadanan-tsaina” (peace), “Fitiavana” (love), “Fifaliana” (joy), “Fiadanana” (peace), “Faharatena” (patience), “Fanoavana” (meekness), “Fahalemem-panahy” (gentleness), “Finoana ary” (faith), “Fanantenana” (hope), “Fampaherezana” (comfort), “Fiadanan-tsaina sy Fahasambarana” (peace and happiness), “Mifanaraka” (accord), “Tony” (calm), “Tony tsara ny andro” (calm), “Tsara” (good), “Manao ahoana” (how are you?).
When the Body and Brain are Different
The African contribution to Malagasy speakers
genetic make-up is very high
about 50%
but negligible in our language
The Malagasy language of Madagascar
an Austronesian linguistic family
sharing with Maanyan of south-east Kalimantan
Indonesia about 45% of our basic vocabulary
Malagasy bears similarities to Oceanic languages
Sulawesi, Malaysia, Sumatra and the Philippines
with loanwords from Malay, Javanese, and Sulawesi
While genetic make-up of Malagasy people
exhibits almost equal proportions of African
and Indonesian heritage
yet African Bantu components in the vocabulary
is limited and mostly concerns animal names
Evidenced in the Malagasy language
brings widely acceptance
Madagascar was settled by Indonesian sailors
after a long maritime trek
dates and places of landing are still debated
The 50% Indonesian genetic contribution
points in a different direction
not toward the Maanyan for the Asian ancestry
leading to the ethnic composition
of the Austronesian settlers still debated
Adana: What Would You ReName Your Town?
In Malagasy many towns are named
for trees and woods
or peace “Adana” and “Fiadanana”
or pleasant feelings
“Ambolobe” means much bamboo
“Anakakondro” at the plantain shoots
“Ambodirofia” at the foot of the rofia palm
“Antapiabe” much “tapza” a tree with edible fruit
and used for silkworm culture
All names of towns in Madagascar
“Ampangabe” much fern
“Ivohidroy” bramble town
“Amboatavo” at the gourds
“Ankazomasina” at the sacred tree
“lalamalaza” famous wood
“Analamaizina” at the darkwood
“Ambaniala” below the word
“Beravina” much foliage
“Tamponala” top of the wood
Many villages contain the words
“sara” good and “soa” pleasant
in name like Antanantsara
Ambohitsara and Itsarafidy well chosen
“Isoaririnina” pleasant in winter
“Soamonina” pleasant to dwell in
“Soatsimanampiovana” unchangeably pleasant
and peace and security
expressed in “Fiadanana” peace
Life and sunlight feature in other names
“Mahavelona” causing to live
“Bemasoandro” much sun
and “Tsinjoarivo” overlooking a thousand
Originally Published in Peace Poetry Dictionary, The Meaning of Peace and Calm in 5000 Languages on February 16, 2021.