A as in Peace in Evenki Living Among the Reindeer in a Daily Dose of Peace
A Daily Dose of Peace. Each week, I focus on Love, Joy, and Peace in the world languages. February’s third week focuses on International words of peace that begin with “A” in Russia.
Peace in the Russian Reindeer Forests
In Evenki also known as Manchurian Reindeer Tungus
there are many ways to find peace
“Aâman” and “Ajamān” written аяма̄н or аяман
in this language spoken in the forests
Russia, China, Mongolia
“Bĕŕa”, “Bēǯu”, “Bĕŕa” and “Bere”
also means peace
as does “Ajmuldan”
written аймулдан or аймулдантаки in Cyrillic letters
“Bere” also means to ease and peaceful
“Dulu-mkūn” includes quiet, peaceful and easy
“Duŋkin” is to bow the head
from the Proto-Tungus-Manchu language
“Duŋk” is peaceful but also dark and sullen
to knit the brows
to bow the head and slumber
to become silent, calm, quiet and peaceful
“Temelken” is hushed silence
from the Proto-Tungus-Manchu
“Tim” calm, to speak silently, move lips,
night silence in the forest
Originally Published in Peace Poetry Dictionary, The Meaning of Peace and Calm in 5000 Languages on February 15, 2021.