A Lucky Life
Peace poetry can save the world and your brain with 5000 ways to say peace.
In some languages the word used to describe peace also means a lucky life.
A Lucky Life and Kusikawsay
In Qhochapampa Quechua spoken in Bolivia / “kusikawsay” means peaceful and tranquil / but also lucky life / as if when we find peace / we can also see how lucky we are
“Kusikawsay” describes the act / to clear a field / to cultivate land / to plough hard soil / to level / to plain / to search emphatically for a dry and hard place / describing perhaps the work that goes into finding peace, sustenance / and a lucky life
“Kusikawsay” means to make peace / to make friendship / to calm down as if peace / both inner peace and global peace / makes friendship possible / and finally “kusikawsay” describes / a thick (liquid), viscous, doughy (substance) / as if when we have peace and work the land / lucky and friendship has substance in our lives / and we manifest both.
A world away in China the word, “samlo” describes peace and what you have to do in order to have luck-keep silent, listen to those around you, and be an effective observer.
Peace and Hunting Luck in China
In Ngochang or Achang spoken in Yunnan China / “samlo” means to keep silent / so as to insure luck in hunting / quiet, repose / to enter and be imbedded / I imagine a hunter in camouflage hiding in a blind / quiet and still / not a gun but a camera ready to shoot / so all can go peacefully on their way
“Samlo nyens nyens” is quietly or peacefully / to be at peace / while “samsam” is still and quiet but also confidingly / and “tsingtsam” is also still and quiet / “tsoek yah” and “nyens nyens” is to be quiet, still / and thus orderly / like a new world order where everyone / finds ways to be at peace / even the hunter and the hunted /
“Samlo yaus dah jeis” / is quiet, slowly as flowing water / as water flows across borders / shared or horded / polluted or clean / it flows from one place to another / filling the wells of all of us indiscriminately
And in some languages the word for peace can be made into a medicine, bringing good luck to the one who speaks and shares peace.
Nigerian Peace Medicine
“Ibök’mem” is peace medicine / a good luck charm to secure / the good will or friendship of one’s enemy / “emem” or “mem” is peace / in Efik spoken in Nigeria
Imagine how it looks and feels / this peace medicine / small or large / red or blue / soft or rough / what is needed to secure / friendship / peace and goodwill / and leads to luck?
What in your life will bring you peace and luck, to whom do you have to listen, and whose friendship helps you secure peace and luck? May we each feel peace and see the luck each life experience holds.
Originally published at https://www.raisingconsciousnessnow.com on March 6, 2019.