Achrei Mot / אַחֲרֵי מוֹת “After the death” Leviticus 16:1–18:30 Torah Study and Poetry (29)
A B’nai Mitzvah Torah Planner with Poetry and Inspiration.
Leviticus 16:2 The LORD said to Moses: Tell your brother Aaron
he is not to come at will into the Shrine behind the curtain,
lest he die for I appear in the cloud over the cover
Imagine a world without secrets
no confidentiality
no privacy
Secrets can be hurtful
ask anyone who doesn’t know
the secret handshake
Playful secrets can be
stimulating curiosity
like hide and seek or peek-a-boo
Secrecy gives way to conspiracies and fake news
a veil over corruption
surrounded by secrecy
Like fire the problem
not with secrets
but their treatment
how and what
we conceal and reveal
Like God’s cherubs
at the gates of the garden
standing above the ark
biblical symbols of secrecy
We want to know
―Leviticus 16:2
Originally Published in Achrei Mot / אַחֲרֵי מוֹת Leviticus 16:1–18:30 Journal Your Journey Through a Year of Torah on March 28, 2020.