Alternative Medicine — Myasthenia Gravis, Graves Disease, Hashimoto Hyperthyroid, Guillaine-Barre Syndrome and The Tiny Thymus Gland
A Natural Health and Wellness Essay
In Traditional Chinese Medicine the Fire Elements: Heart and Small Intestine are associated with the immune system, which includes the Lymph nodes and the Thymus. Also part of the immune system are the Spleen (Earth Element) and the Liver (Wood Element). We will come back to this in an exercise.
Myasthenia Gravis is often associated with thymus related problems, perhaps these contribute to the autoimmune nature of Myasthenia Gravis. It can also mimic other conditions or occur with other conditions. It can present similar to or with Graves disease (hyperthyroid) and Hashimoto (hyperthyroid).
McArdle’s disease (with marked rhabdomyolysis (muscle wasting)) can coexist with myasthenia gravis. Lucia, A., J. L. Mate-Munoz, et al. (2007). “Double trouble (McArdle’s disease and myasthenia gravis): how can exercise help?” Muscle Nerve 35(1): 125–8.
There can also be a correlation between Myasthenia Gravis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Kraus, J., I. Teismann, et al. (2007). “Temporal coincidence between AMAN type of Guillain-Barre Syndrome and myasthenia gravis.” J Neurol 254(2): 264–5.
The signs and symptoms of myasthenia gravis may mimic post-partum eclampsia. Mueksch, J. N. and W. A. Stevens (2007). “Undiagnosed myasthenia gravis masquerading as eclampsia.” Int J Obstet Anesth 16(4): 379–82.
Myathenia gravis can be aggravated by gluten sensitivity, magnesium and interferon. Wolfe, C. M., N. Tafuri, et al. (2007). “Exacerbation of myasthenia gravis during imiquimod treatment.” J Drugs Dermatol 6(7): 745–6.
Thymic hyperplasia is associated with both myasthenia gravis and Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome. Sha, S. J. and R. B. Layzer (2007). “Myasthenia gravis and Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome in the same patient.” Muscle Nerve 36(1): 115–7.
Myasthenia gravis can show up post-varicella infection. Researchers describe a patient presenting “with drooping of both eyelids which increased as the day progressed, two weeks after varicella infection.” Saha, A., P. Batra, et al. (2007). “Post-varicella myasthenia gravis.” Singapore Med J 48(6): e177–80.
“Myasthenia gravis can mimic any pupil-sparing eye movement disorder.” Researchers reviewed “the atypical presentations and differential diagnoses in ocular myasthenia gravis, describing four patients with some of these conditions (4th nerve palsy, near spasm reflex, one-and-a-half syndrome, orbital meningioma). Milea, D., P. Laforet, et al. (2005). “[Atypical ocular myasthenia gravis].” Rev Neurol (Paris) 161(5): 543–8.
So what can be done to support the immune system? There are medications, herbs, homeopathic remedies, manual therapy approaches like acupuncture, acupressure, Integrative Manual Therapy, and energy / information medicine approaches including Matrix Energetics.
Exercise: One Hand Here, One Hand There for Immune Support
1. Rest quietly for 10–20 minutes with one hand on the heart and thymus. The thymus sits like a hat above the heart. Place the other hand over the liver (right side of the lower rib cage.)
Exercise: Traditional Chinese Medicine for the Thymus
1. Consider seeing an acupuncturist or acupressure practitioner. More and more hospitals, like St. Luke’s Rehabilitation in Spokane, Washington offer hands on services including, Acupuncture, acupressure, massage and Reiki.
2. Focus on the three paired meridians (Fire, Earth, Wood) related to the immune system.
Fire Elements: Heart, Small Intestine (Thymus), Heart protector (Pericardium) and Triple Warmer. These are all located along the arms. Squeezing and focusing on pressure points or reflex points on the arm can be supportive to the immune system and circulation. You can look up the specific lines of the meridians and methodically press on the points. You can also find any area of tenderness and gently massage the area.
Also note that the Thyroid and Adrenal glands are associated with the Pericardium and Triple Warmer Fire Elements.
3. Color therapy for immune function. The color red and the emotions of love and hate are associated with the Fire Elements. Green is associated with the liver and gallbladder (Wood elements), while yellow is associated with the Earth elements. On your way to work, or the park or some other event, pay attention to a particular color. Do you see any red cars? How many green trees do you see? Are there a lot of yellow signs or lights? What is the place of these colors in your life?
4. Emotional balance can also support immune health. It is well known that in people who are stressed, the immune system works less smoothly. Consider what ways you can change the effects of stress, Anger (Wood elements), Disappointment (Earth elements) and Hate (Fire elements) in your life.
5. Watch the movie, The Last Airbender (2010) for a visualization of how you can move elements and shift communication within your body. This is obviously a science fiction fantasy but the ideas and images of balance and unity are interesting.
Originally published at on July 9, 2014.