Bacteria Art Code, a Science Fiction Writing Prompt
A 200 character short story prompt.
Jane removed the blank sheet of paper from an envelope, dipped it in distilled water, then laid it on the heater. As if with magic ink a message created by bacteria in a lab 5000 miles away, three letters appeared: red, green, and blue, “Run!”
Science: “The resulting rigged germs contain biological light sensors — which are found in some plants, fungi, and cyanobacteria. In the system, red light is sensed by a hybrid kinase sensitive to 705nm wavelength light. Green is picked up by a cyanobacteria sensor that flicks on with wavelengths at 535nm. And blue is detected with another hybrid kinase sensitive to a wavelength of 470nm.” Genetically enhanced bacteria wired with color vision create artwork by Beth Mole. (Arstechnica)