Boulders At Rest, A Daily Dose of Peace in Germanic Languages
A Daily Dose of Peace. Each week, I focus on Love, Joy, and Peace in the world languages. January’s third week focuses on Germany and Germanic Languages in Europe.
A Germanic Boulder At Rest
In Old Norse “ró” means rest, calm, and quietness
a similar word in Old English “rów” means quiet and rest
as does Middle Lower German “ròwe”
Old High German “ruowa”
and Lithuanian “rovà”
Dutch “rust” conjures an image of rest
a boulder left resting
in a meadow after the flood
“een rotsblok dat na de overstroming
in een weiland rustte”
West Frisian “rêst” as in
we took a rest at the top of the hill
to get our breath back
“wy rêste op ‘e top fan’ e heuvel
om ús azem werom te krijen”
German “ruhe” as in
rest awhile by the fire
“ruhe dich eine weile am feuer aus”
Just a few of the ways
the world find rest
these days
Originally Published in Peace Poetry Dictionary, The Meaning of Peace and Calm in 5000 Languages on January 15, 2021.