Finding Peace in Nagorno and the Armenian Highlands
Peace Poetry can save a life and a brain.
Peace in Armenian Highlands
In the Armenian Highlands
“khaghaghoutyoun” or “xaɣaɣutyun” is peace
“խաղաղություն” in High Plateau Armenian of Nagorno
the languages of this area’s name tell a story
of who wants this land
wants to find “սէր” (love), “խնդութիւն” (joy)
and “խաղաղութիւն” (peace, inner peace) in Western Armenian
The word Nagorno derives from Russian
“нагорный” [nagorny] highland
The Azerbaijani names “dağlıq” means mountainous
or “yuxarı” upper
Other languages of the region
apply their own words
mountainous, upper, highland
in French “Haut-Karabakh” meaning Upper or High Karabakh
Various local languages call the area
mountainous Karabakh or mountainous black garden
in Armenian “Լեռնային Ղարաբաղ”
[Leṙnayin Ġarabaġ] [lɛrnɑˈjin ʁɑɾɑˈbɑʁ]
Armenians call Nagorno-Karabakh Artsakh
in Armenian “Արցախ”
Ancient Kingdom of Armenia’s 10th province
Urartian inscriptions from 9th–7th centuries BC
use the name “Urtekhini” for the region
while Ancient Greek sources called the area “Orkhistene”
In Azerbaijani Дағлыг Гарабағ “Dağlıq Qarabağ”
mountainous Karabakh [dɑɣˈlɯɣ ɡɑˈɾɑbɑɣ]
or Јухары Гарабағ [Yuxarı Qarabağ]
upper Karabakh [juxɑˈɾɯ ɡɑˈɾɑbɑɣ]
In Russian: Нагорный Карабах [Nagornyy Karabakh]
or “Nagornyi Karabah” [nɐˈɡornɨj kərɐˈbax]
What the United Nations Wants For Armenia and Azerbajani
In Armenian: Կրթությունը պետք է նպատակաուղղված լինի անձի լիարժեք զարգացմանը և մարդու իրավունքների ու հիմնարար ազատությունների նկատմամբ հարգանքի ամրապնդմանը: Այն պետք է նպաստի բոլոր ազգերի, ռասայական կամ կրոնական խմբերի միջև փոխըմբռնմանը, հանդուժողականությանն ու բարեկամությանը, էլ ավելի նպաստի Միավորված ազգերի կազմակերպության խաղաղապահ գործունեությանը.
In English: Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
Peace and Happiness in Armenian
Who seeks peace and happiness
at home on our land
In Armenian “Խաղաղություն և երջանկություն” (peace and happiness)
In English “Peace and Happiness”
In Russian ”Мир и счастье” (peace and happiness),
The Lands of the Armenian Language
Armenian is spoken in Armenia (district of Hatay Province, Armenia and its Turkish and Iranian borderlands), Azerbajanin, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon (Musa Dagh village (now relocated to Lebanon), Syrian Arab Republic (Beirut, Lebanon and Aleppo), Syria (Kessaberen (northeastern mountain village of Kessab), Egypt (Cairo), Turkey (Western Armanian in Istanbul, the village of Vakıflı Köyü in Samandağ), Russia (Ararat (Russian Federation). A large number of speakers are in diaspora, especially in the USA, Canada, Europe, and South America).
Peace in the Languages of Armenia
Armenian (hye) (98 percent of Armenians, Arménien, հայերեն, Hayeren, Hamshen, Dialects (Erevan (Eriwan), Karabagh (Karabakh), Khvoy-Salmst (Choi-Salmst), North Komedia, Ashkharik. Eastern — “Khanhaghutyun” խաղաղություն (peace), “Xaġaġut’yun” / խաղաղություն, “Xałałowt‘yown”, “Khaghaghoutyoun”, (peace), “Khaghaghutiun” (peace), “Ashkharh” (peace), “Xaġaġut’yun” / “խաղաղություն” (peace), “Xałałowt‘yown”, “Han-gč̣im” (lie, rest), “Han-gist” (tranquility), Աղոթք խաղաղության (prayer for peace), “Աղոթք խաղաղության” (prayer for peace), խաղաղություն [xałałutʿyun] (peace), խաղաղություն [khaghaghout’houn], “xałałut‘iwn” (peace), “xaġaġout̕youn” (peace).
Yezidi, a Kurdish-speaking people of northern Iraq, Armenia and Caucasus
Russian: Russian (rus), русский, Cyrl, Brai, an East Slavic language, written in Cyrillic — “мир” [Mir, Mip] (peace), “спокојство”, “спокој” (peace of mind), “миръ” [Mirŭ] (peace), миролюб´ивый (peace-loving, peace-minded, pacific), мирный (peaceful), “zatiš ́je” (calm (of sea), “Spokoynyy” (calm), миротв´ (peacekeeper, peacemaker), споко́йствие (tranquility), Да будет мир на земле! (May peace prevail on earth), Да Будет Мир Человечеству во всем Мире (May peace prevail on earth), “Garmoniya” (harmony), “Spokoystviye” (tranquility), “Мир и счастье” (peace and happiness).
Azerbaijan: Azeri, Azerbaijani (azj), Azərbaycanca, Azərbaycan, Arxajınçılıq, Azeri Turkish, Azeri, Azari, Azeri Turkic, Azerbaijani Turkic, North Azerbaijani, South Azerbaijani, Afshar, Afshari, Afshar Azerbaijani, Afchar, Qashqa’i, Qashqai, Kashkay, Sonqor, Azerbaydzhani, Azeri, Azeri Turk, Aderbeidjanisch, Azarbaydjanian, North Azerbaijani, Azerbaijanian, Turkler (azj), an Altaic and Oghuz Language — “Sülh” (peace, armistice, truce, amicable, orderly), صولح , “Salh”, “Solh” (peace, armistice, truce, amicable, orderly), “Barış”, “Архајынлыг”, “динҹлик”, “дүнја”, “сакитлик”, “Cүлһ” (inner peace), дүнја (peace), “Dünya”, “Dinçlik” (peace, tranquility), “Dinclik” (tranquility, quiescence, quietude, placidity, rest, quietness, peacefulness, concord, restfulness, welfare, serenity, quiet, comfort, peace, harmony, truce, calm), dinclik şəraiti (concord), əbədi dinclik (eternal peace), dinclik bilməmək (know no rest), “дүнја” “Dunja” (peace), “Jakhshy” (good), “Sükun” (tranquility), “сакит” or “дәниз” (calm (of sea), “Rahatlıq” (peace, calm, boon, quietude, coziness, convenience, lull, quietness, quiescence, placidity, rest, quiet, comfort, serenity, repose, ease, facilitation, relief, amenity, facility, accommodation, improvement).
Arabic (arb) — سلام (salām, salaam).
Kurdish (kur), كوردی, Kurdî, Kurdí, Кöрди — “Aştî” (peace, truce, ease, comfort), “Aştiya” (peace), “Aştiyê” (peace), “aştî” (Hawar Script) “Hasîtî” / “Һашити”, ھاسیتی (peace), “Hastbiyayiş” (tranquility), “Hêwir” (at rest, calm)”Aştî Dexwazîn” (we want peace), ”Bêdeng” (calm), “aşkirin” (calm), “aram” (calm), “Aram be” (calm), “Aş” (peaceful), “Aştiyane” (peaceful), “Aştîxwaz” (peaceful), “Aştiyane û” (peaceful), “Aştî” (peaceful).
Kurdish Slogan
“Bijî Aştî,” Long live the peace.
Azerbaijani Peace Sayings
“Sülhü qoruyub saxlamaq onu qazanmaqdan daha asandır”
Better keep peace than make peace
“Yašasın sülh bütün dünyada” May peace prevail on earth.
“Şöhratparastlik qurtaran yerdan da əmin amanliq başlaylr.”
Peace begins just where ambition ends.
Originally Published in Peace Poetry Dictionary, The Meaning of Peace and Calm in 5000 Languages on November 16, 2020.