Food Allergies and Plant Families
A community consciousness and brain health essay.
Food allergies are relatively common. some people are allergic to food items in the same plant family.
For example I have a client who gets a rash that looks like poison ivy if he eats cashews or mangos. It is interesting to note that Cashew Nuts, Poison Ivy, Pistachio Nuts and Mangos are all in the same plant family.
Some people have sensitivity to the nightshade family (Solanaceae) of plants, which includes Eggplants, Tomatoes, Pimentos, Garden Peppers (green, red, chili, paprika) and Potatoes (Irish). These people are commonly sensitive to tobacco smoke as well, since tobacco is also part of the nightshade family.
People sensitive to nightshades can sometimes eat potatoes because potatoes are roots as opposed to the fruit of the plant. Typically, sweet potatoes and yams are fine because they are part of a different plant family, related to morning glories.
The following is a list of foods and how they are related.
Apple and Rose Family (Rosaceae): Apple, Pear, Quince, Roses, Blackberry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Youngberry, Boysenberry, Dewberry (Rose Hip Tea)
Arrow Root Family: Arrow Root (useful as a Thickener) Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Aster Family (Asteraceae): Asters and all the other composite flowers
Banana Family (Musaceae): Bananas (all varieties), Plantain. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Bellflower Family (Campanulaceae): Bellflower
Buckwheat Family: Buckwheat (highly allergenic, use sparingly), Rhubarb, Garden Sorrel, Gluten free
Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae): Buttercup Family
Cabbage /Mustard Family (Brassicaceae (formerly Cruciferae):Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Mustard (dry, prepared and green), Turnips, Rutabaga, Radish, Watercress, Horseradish, Radicchio, Kale, Collards, Cabbage, Chinese Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts
Cactus Family (Cactaceae):Agave, Cactus
Capers Family: Capers. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Carob Family: Acacia Gum, Carob Powder, Beans
Carrot / Celery Family (Apiaceae (formerly Umbelliferae): Anise, Caraway, Dill, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin, Carrots, Celery, Parsley, Parsnips
Cassava Family (Euphorbiaceae): Cassava (manioc)
Chenopodium Family: Quinoa (gluten free)
Chinese Water Chestnut Family: Chinese Water Chestnuts
Chocolate Family: Chocolate, Cocoa, Karaya Gum, Cola
Citrus Family (Rutaceae): Angostura, Kumquat, Ugli Fruit, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Mandarin Oranges, Grapefruit, Tangerines
Composite / Daisy Family (Asteraceae (formerly Compositae): Absinthis, Ragweed (common allergies), Lettuce (head and leaf), Endive, Chicory, Artichokes, Jerusalem Artichokes, Safflower, Sunflower, Sesame seeds, Escarole, Salsify, Dandelion, Tarragon, Pyrethrium. The composite (also known as the daisy or sunflower family), as Compositae or Asteraceae are known, is one of the largest plant families. Almost 20,000 species are contained within this family. Most of these species are herbs but there are also some shrubs, trees and vines. The family includes many edible sala plants (e.g., lettuce, endive, chicory and artichoke), cultivated species such as the marigolds, daisies, sunflowers and chrysanthemums as well as many common weeds and wildflowers. It is primarily the latter, for example ragweed and mugwort , which are involved in pollen-induced seasonal allergies.
Cotton / Mallow Family (Malvaceae): Okra, Cottonseed Oil (highly contaminated with herbicides and pesticides).
Dillenia Family: Kiwi
Ebony Family or Persimmon Family: Persimmons, American and Oriental Persimmons. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Elderberry Family: Elderberry. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Flax Family (Linaceae): Flax Seed Oil, Flax Seed, Linen
Fungus Family: Antibiotics, Mushrooms, Edible Fungi, Inhalant molds, Yeast, Aspergillus, Citric Acid
Geranium Family (Geraniaceae): Geranium Family
Ginger Family: Turmeric, Cardamom, Ginger
Goose Foot Family: Beet Sugar, Swiss Chard, Bok Choy, Spinach, Thistle, Kocha, Lamb Quarters, Beets
Gooseberry Family: Gooseberries, Currants. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Gourd Family (Cucurbitaceae): Courgette, Cucumbers, Winter Squash (Hubbard and Acorn), Summer Squash (all kinds), Zucchini, Pumpkin, Spaghetti Squash, Muskmelon (Honeydew, Casaba, Spanish Melon, Cantaloupe, Persian Melon), Watermelon
Grape Family (Vitaceae): Grapes, Raisins, Wines (Brandy, Champagne, Wine Vinegar), Cream of Tartar, Muscadines
Grasses Family (to be omitted on Stone Age Diet) (Poaceae): Grains, Cereals, Wheat, Corn (Corn Starch, Corn Syrup, Popcorn, Corn Sugar, Dextrose, Glucose, Cerelose, 60% of fructose contains corn), Triticale, Lemongrass, Bamboo Shoots, Barley (Malt and Maltose), Rye, Oats, Rice, Wild Rice, Millet, Cane (Cane Sugar and Molasses), Sorghum, Kafir
Heather Family: Blueberries, Cranberries, Huckleberries, Sloes
Honey: Honey. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Iris Family (Iridaceae): Iris Family
Laurel Family :Avocado, Bay Leaves, Cinnamon, Sassafras (herb tea)
Legumes / Bean / Carob Family (Caesalpinaceae, Fabaceae, Mimosaceae, Papilionaceae (formerly Leguminosae)): Carob Powder, Acacia Gum, Lentils, Peanuts (Peanut Oil, Peanut Butter), Beans (all varieties), Peas (all varieties), Kudzu, Soybeans, Alfalfa Sprouts, Mung Bean Sprouts, Licorice, Jicama, Traganth Gum, Tamarind, Red Clover, Senna (used in laxatives), Fenugreek
Lily Family (Liliaceae): Asparagus, Onion, Chives, Leek, Garlic, Yucca, Aloe Vera, Lilies
Madder Family (Rubiaceae): Coffee. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list
Mint or Nettle Family (Lamiaceae (formerly Labiatae): Basil, Rosemary, Peppermint, Mint, Marjoram, Oregano, Sage, Horehound, Thyme, Savory
Morning Glory Family (Dioscoreaceae): Yams and Sweet potato. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Mulberry Family: Breadfruit, Hops, Mulberries, Figs
Mustard / Cabbage Family (Brassicaceae (formerly Cruciferae): Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Mustard (dry, prepared and green), Turnips, Rutabaga, Radish, Watercress, Horseradish, Radicchio, Kale, Collards, Cabbage, Chinese Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts
Myrtle Family: Guava, Allspice, Cloves
Nightshade Family (Solanaceae): Eggplant, Tomato, Tobacco, Pimento, Garden Peppers (green, red, chili, paprika), Potato (Irish)
Nutmeg: Nutmeg. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Olive Family (Oleaceae): Olives, Ashes, Lilacs. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Orchid Family (Orchidaceae): Orchids, Vanilla. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list
Palm Family (Arecaceae): Coconut Oil, Sago, Dates, Palm Cabbage, Coconut
Papaya Family: Papaya. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Pepper Family: Peppercorns, black and white pepper. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Periwinkle Family (Apocynaceae): Periwinkles
Pineapple Family: Pineapple. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Plum Family: Almonds, Peaches, Apricots, Cherries, Wild Cherries, Nectarines, Plums, Prunes
Poppy Family (Papaveraceae): Poppy Seeds. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Primrose Family (Primulaceae): Primrose oil
Purscane Family: Amaranth (gluten free)
Rape Family: Rape. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Saffron: Saffron. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Soapberry Family: Lichi Nuts
Spurge Family: Tapioca (Gluten free). Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Taro Family (Arum): Dasheen, Eddoes, Taro, Poi
Tea Family (Theaceae): Tea, Black and Green Tea. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Violet Family (Violaceae): Violets
Common Allergies
Grasses, flowers and weeds: Bermuda grass, Kentucky Bluegrass, orchard grass, Timothy grass, castor bean, ragweed, pigweed, lamb’s quarters , Juniper/Cedar, Kentucky Bluegrass, Mulberry, Poplar (male), Privet (male), Russian olive, Timothy grass,
Trees and shrubs: ash (male), cottonwood, elm, Juniper/cedar, maple (male), mulberry, oaks, pecan and walnut, poplar (male), privet (male), Russian olive, willows (male)
Trees and Nuts
Beechnut Family: Oak, Acorns, Chestnuts, Beechnuts. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Birch Family: Filberts, Hazelnuts, Wintergreen. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Brazil Nut Family: Brazil nut. Plant foods without relatives. These foods represent the only members of their families that are commonly eaten. They therefore are not related to each other or to other foods on the list.
Cashew Family (Anacardiaceae) : Cashew Nut, Poison Ivy, Pistachio Nut, Mango Stems and leaves of the Anacardiaceae contain resinous compounds or volatile substances with a strong aroma. Toxicodendron and Metopium (Poisonwood) produce a resinous substance called urushiol, a skin irritant that causes swelling, rashes, itching and blisters. Sensitivity varies individually. Highly sensitive individuals will experience allergic reactions to all members of this family. Some genera have economic importance such as Anacardium occidentale (cashew), Mangifera indica (mango), and Pistacia vera (pistachio). Gums and resins extracted from the plants have industrial applications. Other genera are used as ornamentals, such as: Schinus (pepper tree), Cotinus (smoke tree), Rhus (sumac) and Pistacia (pistachio)
Macadamia Nut Family (Protea): Macadamia Nuts (usually contain coconut oil when processed)
Maple Family (Acer): Maple sugar, Maple (male is a common allergies) Maple Sugar (may be contaminated as plugs are treated with formaldehyde — Canadian better), Maple Syrup
Oaks (Fagaceae): Oaks (common allergies)
Pine Family / Conifer: Pine Nuts, Pinon Nuts
Plum Family: Almonds, Peaches, Apricots, Cherries, Wild Cherries, Nectarines, Plums, Prunes
Walnut Family:`Black Walnuts, Butternuts, Pecans, Hickory Nuts, English Walnuts (common allergies)
Originally published at on May 14, 2005..