Found Poetry from Year of The Poet (Vol 20)
Featured in The Year of the Poet August, 2015 Volume 20.
Creating Found Poetry
Found poetry is poetry created from the words already on the page. Sometimes the poet leaves the order the same, sometimes using words already on the page but changing the order. Here are three found poems from words in the bios and quotes from three famous people: Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr and Virginia Woolf.
Found poetry can also be what is called black out poetry where the poet takes a page of text and blacks out with a pencil, pen, crayon or marker all the words that are not part of the poem. This leaves only certain words visible that make up the poem, usually read from the top of the page to the bottom.
Einstein’s Peace, a Found Poem
Learn from yesterday
peace cannot be kept by force
achieve by understanding
Live for today
look deep into nature
do not stop questioning
hope for tomorrow’s
true intelligence
will take you everywhere
Martin Luther King’s Daybreak of Peace, a Found Poem
Starless midnight of racism and war
in the silence of good people
come here on different ships
Change the system
justice, love, peace
become a reality
in the bright daybreak of peace
unconditional love
the final word
Walk in the light of creativity
stand at times of challenge
work for our freedom
in the same boat now
Virginia Woolf’s Peace Poetry, a Found Poem
You cannot find peace
by avoiding life
in every secret of a writer’s soul
Language and poetry
friends and beauty
riot and extravagance
laughter and anguish
Cutting the heart asunder
value life more
Originally published in The Year of The Poet (Volume 20) at on August 1, 2015.