Heaven in Chin Zomi in a Daily Dose of Peace
A Daily Dose of Peace. Each week, I focus on Love, Joy, and Peace in the world languages. February’s first week focuses on Myanmar and the Chin Zomi language in Asia.
Conserving A Heavenly Peace
In Zomi Chin, a language of Myanmar
heaven weaves through peaceful words
“Daihna” is translated peace or silence
while another way to say silence
“a ging peuhmah om lohna”
“Dahna” is heaven
while “muhdahna” is emotion
The long phrase
“kisaat kithah cihte om lohna”
is translated peace
along with the phrase
“nawngkaaina om lohna daih hiithiatna”
where “om lohna” means absence
and “nawngkaaina” is menace
and “cihte” is endow
while “cihte om lohna gam” is another
translation of heaven
and “nawngkaainate omsak lo” is conserve
As if heaven is a place of peace
or a place of peace is like heaven
where there is no menace
Where there is “nopsakna’ another way to say peace
and felicity, happiness and luck
while “nop sakna saangpen” is another way to say heaven
where “saangpen” means supreme or soveregn
Originally Published in Peace Poetry Dictionary, The Meaning of Peace and Calm in 5000 Languages on February 4, 2021.