How to Create Peace of Mind Through Language Study
A Daily Dose of Peace. Each week, I focus on Love, Joy, and Peace in the world languages. February’s third week focuses on words of peace that start with the letter “A” around the word.
From Soft Peace to A Tranquil Conscience in Mangareva and a Daily Dose of Peace
“Aoi” in Mangareva means peace
to calm
to mollify
to soften
and I wonder about how to create peace
of mind to calm myself
what does it mean to mollify
and soften myself
the vulnerable self I present to others
Take out the “I”
and “Ao” means even more
the world the universe
everything within these two letters
“Ao” to be able to have authority over
cloud mist and a tranquil conscience
inward peace and consolation
my minds goes to a white fluffy cloud
I imagine my mind letting go
of the rain of thoughts
finding inward peace in their place
with “Ao” which also means government reign
and the name of a tree Hibiscus tiliaceus
I imagine a red hibiscus
turning to blue and white
able to adapt and change in my mind’s eye
bringing me closer to inward peace
Originally Published in Peace Poetry Dictionary, The Meaning of Peace and Calm in 5000 Languages on February 23, 2021.