Infinite Doorways to Healing

Kimberly Burnham
5 min readNov 7, 2020


Except from Our Fractal Nature A Journey of Self-Discovery and Connection.

“If you don’t like your life, be like a five year old playing a game — change the rules. Change now, while you still can. Change now because you can, change now because it is the right thing to do. Change now because there is no right, no left, no time left, no space left. Only you. Change.”

– Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, developer of Matrix Energetics


“In discerning our fractal nature, we are nature contemplating and embodying ourselves.”

– Our Fractal Nature

frac s tal — noun. Term from Mathematics, Physics, Life and Nature. Latin fract(us) — uneven + al, fraction of something, a term introduced by French mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot.

A fractal is a textured geometric shape. It can be split into parts, each of which is roughly a smaller version of the larger part, exhibiting self-similarity. While fractals are a mathematical construct, they are found in nature, artwork, our bodies, the stock market, and the universe. They behave in a magical way, as if the dimensions of the structure — its fractal dimensions — are greater than the spatial dimensions. In other words, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Infinite Doorways to Healing

We can be healthy one self-similar cell at a time. Each of our bodies, as well as every human cell, has a digestive system that takes in nutrients from outside and ensures adequate building blocks for growth and healing. Fractal-like, we have tiny cellular digestive systems nested within the larger digestive system.

Waste products are released into the fluid-matrix around the cells. Fractal-branching veins and lymphatic vessels pick up and carry the waste to places where it can be eliminated. While each individual kidney cell has its own elimination process, the kidney cells as a whole work together to eliminate waste through the bladder.

Our cells also contain microtubules resembling bones that provide structural and mechanical strength. Some evidence of the consciousness occurring at this cellular and microtubule level is that one of the signs of Alzheimer’s is a breakdown of nervous-system microtubules. Many forms of integrative medicine consider the bones as carriers of higher-consciousness energy. The bones and the miniature microtubules are similar in their structural and energetic-consciousness function.

Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT) is a therapeutic, hands-on approach which focuses on holistic healing. One component of this therapy addresses microtubule health and integrity as well as treating bone bruising.

Our breathing is also self-similar in nature. Every cell in our body “breathes.” Our red blood cells exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Our entire respiratory system is set up to bring in life-sustaining oxygen. In our environment, trees, clouds, water, and other fractal structures also exchange gas molecules as part of Earth’s respiratory system. Our lung cells are a self-similar part of the whole universe.

Each of us also has an immune system, including a spleen, liver, thymus, and lymph nodes. Following the flow of the spleen meridian or acupressure pathway, we find eleven points from the hips, along the inside of each leg, and down to the big toe. Each of these points is thought to be like a tiny spleen.

Knowing yourself and understanding your body can be a way to address auto-immune diseases, which occur when our immune system doesn’t recognize us.

There are many ways to learn, access, and work with these tiny areas reflective of the whole.

For example, a manual therapist applies contact or pressure to the points. A Matrix Energetics practitioner may use reflex points in a two-point technique. A Reiki master may use energetic techniques or symbols on these fractal images of the immune system. Many light and sound-vibration approaches balance the energetic and fluid flow along reflex point meridians.

Manual Fractal Patterning (MFP) looks at the person from the vantage point of fractals, where all therapeutic approaches are doorways into healthy functioning. A practitioner’s clinical skills come into play when she or he knows which approach to take with an individual client.

Which doorways are you using — to assess your life, find blockages, encourage flow, and create supportive ways towards daily healing?

How are you encouraging your immune system to deal with issues efficiently while, at the same time, recognizing you?

If a client has digestive problems, an acupuncturist might needle a stomach point near the knee or a point on the ear. Like the ear, the hands, and the feet, each meridian point is a “small world,” a smaller version of the whole body, giving access to healing for each part and the whole.

A reflexologist might press the bottom of the foot behind the big toe, a point which is reflective of digestive health. An osteopath may work with the left fifth and sixth rib space, connecting to the stomach via a neurolymphatic relationship. An Integrative Manual Therapist might use the IMT percussion instrument (sound vibration) on digestive synchronizers along the seventh rib.

While using different points, each of these approaches gets results for the clients because each point is a doorway into shifting structures, energies, and flow. These approaches enable the body to heal itself and reestablish functional patterning. Many complementary medicine practitioners believe ultimately that all healing is self-healing.

The word healing goes back to the Indo-European root kailo meaning whole, uninjured, or of good omen. From this root derived the Germanic khailaz, literally “to make whole.” This word is also the root of the adjectives whole, hale, and holy.

Given the fractal nature of our bodies, it simply isn’t likely that there is only one way for our cells to heal, stay healthy, function, and thrive.

How many ways can you find self-healing and wholeness?

Which part do you play in the wholeness or oneness of life?

Connect to Your Fractal Health

Treat yourself with a Matrix Energetics two-point. Sit quietly, and feel your body. Is there a place in your body that is drawing your attention? Place each hand on a different spot on your body. Notice the two points — the connection, the energy, the feeling. With your hands on two places, look out the window at any fractal-like structures. Take in the patterns around you for a few minutes then draw your attention back to your hands. What has changed — the temperature, texture, pulsing, sensation, emotion, etc?

Originally Published at Our Fractal Nature A Journey of Self-Discovery and Connection by Kimberly Burnham, PhD (Integrative Medicine). A Messenger Mini Book, 2011.



Kimberly Burnham
Kimberly Burnham

Written by Kimberly Burnham

(She/Her) Writer, Poet, currently working on a memoir, Mistaken for a Man, a Story for Anyone Struggling to Feel Comfortable in Their Own Skin, Clothes, & ...

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