Italian Dialect of Peace and Fish Along the Adriatic in a Daily Dose of Peace
A Daily Dose of Peace. Each week, I focus on Love, Joy, and Peace in the world languages. February’s second week focuses on Italy in Europe.
Riminese Accents on Peace
The city Rimini in Italian
Rémin in Romagnol
or Ariminum in Latin is a city
lined with ancient Roman and Renaissance
monuments in Emilia-Romagna of northern Italy
sprawling along the Adriatic Sea
where fisherman cast their nets in peace
in the birthplace of film director Federico Fellini
In the Italian dialect Riminese
peace is not “pace” as in Italian
but “pèsa”
while a similarly accented words
without the “A”
Italian “pesce” or fish = “pès” in Riminese
change the accent and you get
“urina” urine = “pés”
“è” the mouth opens more
“é” with mouth more closed
try pronouncing “he” as in “head
with the mouth wide open
and then as closed as possible
to hear the difference
Similarly the Italian heart “cuore”
becomes “còr” in Riminese
and run in Italian “correre”
is the Riminese “cór”
ò pronounced with the mouth more open
ó with a more closed mouth
Originally Published in Finding Peace in Italy, a Travel and Meditation Journal on February 13, 2021.