Latin Peace in Veio, a Daily Dose of Peace
A Daily Dose of Peace. Each week, I focus on Love, Joy, and Peace in the world languages. March focuses on Latin and Italy in Europe.
Peace Asking
The Latin phrase “ad pacem petendam”
literally to peace
ask or to ask for peace
suggesting we can use our curiosity
questions about life to create
Like another dictionary example
“Veientes pacem petitum
oratores Romam mittunt”
literally citizen of Veio peace ask
orator Rome sends
or “The citizens of Veio sent orators
to Rome to ask for peace”
not politicians
eloquent in speech and asking
Latin Alphabet Sounds in Peace and Calm
a as in calm or father in Classical and Ecclesiastical (religious) Latin
or “ballista” (means crushing) long ā as in “fābula” (legends)
e as in Mets or “September”
ē as in “mēnsis” (table)
i as in “dictātor” or the i in machine
or the ea sound in peace pronounced [pis]
ī as in dīvīsor (divided)
o as in “bonus” (good) in Latin or dog in English
the line over top means long ō as in “sōl” (sun)
u as in “lupus” (wolf) or rude in English
ū as in lūna (moon)
y as in Latin “mysticus” (mysterious) or German and English “über” (fiber) in Classical Latin
ȳ as in the Goddess “Dionȳsus” or meet in Ecclesiastical Latin
Diphthongs or two vowels together
like ae as in “paenīnsula” (penninsula)
or ae as in by in Classical Latin and long ē as in Mets
au as in “automaton” (automation) or how in English
eu as in “Eurōpa” or a long eū
oe as in “oeconōmia” or foil in English
ua, ue, ui, uo after q or ng
as in “aequilībrium” (equilibrium)
sounds like kw + vowel like quick or squall
Originally Published in Finding Peace in Italy, a Travel and Meditation Journal on March 3, 2021.