Looking Up Translations for Peace in Myanmar in a Daily Dose of Peace
A Daily Dose of Peace. Each week, I focus on Love, Joy, and Peace in the world languages. February’s first week focuses on Myanmar in Asia.
Daihnak Peace Back Translation
If you look for peace
really seeing the words
in a Chin Hakah — English dictionary
you might think
“daihnak” means peace
but if you check the back translation
you will see
“daihnak” means so much more
and along with “cawlcang loin umnak”
along with “remnak” peace
“daihnak a duhmi” is pacific
“daihnak ser” or “remnak ser” or “remter” is atone
while a peacemakers is “daihnak tuahtu”
If you read this poem you might
think remnak is only peace
because that is its role alongside
but it is also more
and intermediary
caught in its roots
“remnak sertu” is mediator
but “sertu” alone is creator
so great is the reach of peace
when it is shared and engaged with
What do you mean when you say peace or daihnk? If we could back translate a word in your mind what other translations would come forward?
Originally Published in Peace Poetry Dictionary, The Meaning of Peace and Calm in 5000 Languages on February 7, 2021.