Love for Valentine’s Day Poetry from Year of The Poet (Vol 38)
Featured in The Year of the Poet February, 2017 Volume 38.
Many poets write about love, an especially popular theme in February — just in time for Valentine’s Day. At times, you might think a poem holds a flash of anger. Yet, if you look beneath the surface, it often reveals a sense of love betrayed or the witnessing of a loved one hurt. Poems can seek justice for those we love — people, family, community, animals, and mother nature. Sometimes, the poet expresses sadness at the loss of someone or an ideal cherished. Expressions of fear of the loss of love can be very real in poems. Hope and optimism about the renewal of love or the thrill of joy chasing love along a journey can also infuse our poetry.
As you read this month’s collection from the Poetry Posse look beneath the words for what is loved and what causes the depths of our hearts to stir once again flowing outward and connecting with the beauty in this universe. Experience the devotion to peace and all the other emotions and words that grow out of this gift of love.
Words are just words
unless infused with love
that sense of belonging
in your arms
of everything
right with the world
when you are here
Words are just words
unless carrying the passion
that create a life
for us and for them
Words like I love you
hold all this and more
when my heart speaks them to you
This Love in My Life
The puppies are big now
they leap on the bed
trusting they will get a treat
and a snuggle
The way she slips her small hand
in mine
when we get out of the car
at the library
Can we talk tonight
he has something
about his day to tell me
words forming carefully
as feelings flow
The way he looks at me
and says hello
noticing my hair cut
he wants me to be proud of him
working so hard to be a good boy
The way she sits on my lap
snuggling in
asking about the dogs
all our furry friends
The way you hug me so close
like you will love me forever
and I will have this sense of belonging
Liquid Love
liquid love
gushes through me
when I unexpectedly see you
every cell pulsing
with joy
an electric drive
tingling at your touch
thrilling and gentle
Fluid currents dancing
in your physical arms
those first words
come to mind
“good thing …”
spirit bursting
with liquid love
Originally published in The Year of The Poet (Vol 38) at on February 1, 2017.