Mystery and Life Poetry From the Annual 2017 Tiferet Poetry Challenge
Poems from the April 2017 Daily Poetry Challenge with Tiferet (Week Three)
The Face Of Mystery
Living in the face
of mystery
the unknown looms
leaning awkwardly forward
The words of the heart rise
swirling around
the light from the mouth
Illuminates the dark side of
the mystery of life
And I can walk
Speckled, Spotted and Streaking Haiku
Speckled abundance
gratitude spotted ahead
life streaking forward
Water, Stones and Land
I laid out the hoses today
planting sweet peas in the garden
and thought about a time
when stone wells gave water
my garden water comes from a well
at the crank of the tap
Still saving water in rain barrels
gathering this precious life
giving substance from the sky
falling on the stones and grass alike
Watercolor Farm
The colors blend together at the edges
bright green spring sprouts up
around a large brown pile of branches
remains of the tree that died last fall
Gray and orange the puppies
descended from working shepherds
play in a freshly raked pile of leaves
golden tan and yellow
in the shade of a maple tree
Beyond the yard
a large garden waits for spring
the way cherry blossoms wait
tucked away until the one sunny day
they explode like pink popcorn
And farther away towards the horizon
stand tall green pines
perfect for climbing
now that the snow has gone
All of it lit by fading sunlight
this April day
Numbers along the way
the world comes into focus
5 stop signs set there to pause
enjoy the view and live another day
3 grocery stores full of resources
do I have enough
243 trees breathing out oxygen
with a collective sigh
18 people neighbors
some are friends, some are children
3 birds: a duck dipping for fish
a woodpecker searching for insects and a crow
23 horses running and kicking
the wind at their back speeding their way
301 houses where families are at home
having completed the journey
59 years have brought me home
Greener Grass
Certainty grows greener
beyond the gate
I catch a glimpse from here
with rising desire to travel through
But disappointment lurks
with fear beside the gate
What if what I have is really better
I know what is mine here
Vision clearer
because of what I see beyond
Darkness first
split open by amber light
gold rising into blue
green edges emerging
sapphire surfaces shimmering
seeing eyes grateful
for beauty, knowing
and light chasing the darkness
day by day
as we spiral around the sun
Originally published at on April 15, 2017.