Nuwadaumwali Calm Heart Deep Inner Peace in Auhelawa Language of Papua New Guinea
“Nuwadaumwali” (peace, calm heart, peaceful) in Auhelawa spoken in Papua New Guinea (Nuakata Island and the southeastern tip of Normanby Island, Sehuleya District in Milne Bay Province).
Part of a series on how to learn the word for peace in 5000 languages. Peace Poetry can save a life, brain health and the world.
Deep Inside in Auhelawa (kud) Language Spoken In Papua New Guinea
In ‘Auhelawa an Austronesian language
found on Nuakata Island
“nuwa” is the place where thinking-feeling arises
inside the body
also meaning want, wish, desire
“Nuwavitai” means heavyhearted or depressed
while “”nuwadaumwali”” is calm heart or peaceful
makes me wonder what happens
deep inside when one is depressed
or feeling peaceful
what is the difference deep inside
Ways to Say Peace and Calm
In Auhelawa (kud), ‘Auhelawa, Alina Nu’ata, Nuakatan, Nuakata, Kurada, ‘Urada, an Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Oceanic, Western Oceanic, Papuan Tip, Nuclear, Suauic and Western Oceanic and Milne Bay language-”Nuwadaumwali” (peace, calm heart, peaceful), “Ebe” (peace), “Ate” (heart, liver, center of emotions and feelings), “Nuwavitai” (heavy hearted, depressed), “Neta, velau, yaliyaya, nuwadaumwali, alama’i’ita, atemuyamuya, vehaguhagu, nuwa’ehebo, nuwahegoya, yo tuluhegoya (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control), “Ainaena yagu nuwadaumwali yamwauwi” (peace be with you), “Namwanamwa” (good)-Papua New Guinea (Nuakata Island and the southeastern tip of Normanby Island, Sehuleya District in Milne Bay Province) Spoken by about 1,200 people in 1998, 30% of whom were monolingual. Classification: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Oceanic, Western Oceanic, Papuan Tip, Nuclear, Suauic.
Love, Joy, Peace in Auhelawa Spoken In Papua New Guinea
Love, Joy, Peace in Auhelawa (kud), ‘Auhelawa, Alina Nu’ata, Nuakatan, Nuakata, Kurada, ‘Urada. an Austronesian, Western Oceanic and Milne Bay language.
Galatians 5:22 Na Alu’aluwa Ve’ahihi ainona namwanamwana atedai hibom neta, velau (love), yaliyaya (joy), nuwadaumwali (peace, calm heart, peaceful), alama’i’ita (forbearance), atemuyamuya (kindness), vehaguhagu (goodness), nuwa’ehebo (faithfulness), 23 nuwahegoya (gentleness), yo tuluhegoya (self-control). Na nigele teya loina iyamiyamiya yo mumugaone teina ilaugagayowedi
Papua New Guinea (Nuakata Island and the southeastern tip of Normanby Island, Sehuleya District in Milne Bay Province) Spoken by about 1,200 people in 1998, 30% of whom were monolingual in this Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Oceanic, Western Oceanic, Papuan Tip, Nuclear, Suauic language.
Nuwa And Ate in Naukata Island
In a Naukatan or ‘Auhelawa — English dictionary
“nuwadaumwali” means peace, calm heart or peaceful
“nuwa” translates as the place where thinking-feeling arises
inside the body, want, wish and desire
“waliwali” is singing
as if there is a wish and singing that rises from
inside the body to create peace
Many feelings arise from inside
“nuwa’ehebo” faithfulness
“nuwahegoya” (gentleness)
“nuwamasele” is understand, attitude, opinion, meaning
“nuwapwanopwanowei” to forget
oddly “nuwanuwa” is a gable roof
“Nuwatuwudawani” thinking-feeling hidden from elders
“nuwa‘epo” chest and “nuwamagi” kidney
“nuwavitai” heavyhearted, depressed
“nuwamomohi” means squeeze thinking-feeling, remember, memory
as if when we remember we are squeezing out the memories
“nuwanuwpuyo” virginity, chastity
“nuwadobi” humble
and “nuwapotapota” stubborn
In this language of Papua New Guinea on Nauakata Island
atemuyamuya is translated kindness
but also liver feeling paining
or embodied feelings
as if the experience of feeling pain
can create kindness or compassion
from a place of “ate” heart, liver,
center of emotions and feelings
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