Pattern Recognition and Manual Therapy Skills — I Feel You … Shifting
A Natural Brain Health and Healing Essay.
I can feel the density of your bones, the rhythm of your brain, the flow in your liver, the undulations of digestion and the surge of stuck emotions. And where I can feel, I can gently facilitate a shift.
Today, I tried to explain this to an engineer, and a teacher and then an accountant. I understand accountants, my father and sister are accountants. I understand engineers both of my brother are engineers. My mother is an artist and my other sister a teacher, so I have lots of experience explaining what I do to my family in so many different ways. It makes it easy to explain it to you.
If I tell you my phone number is 8602218510 it is harder to recognize as a phone number than (860) 221–8510. There is a pattern we are used to in North America when someone is telling us a phone number. If I asked, “what does this number represent 8602218510? It might be challenging to guess, it could represent any number of things but if I write it (860) 221–8510 most people in North America at least would say, “it is a phone number”. But imagine if you live in another country or you don’t have a phone, you may or may not recognize this pattern as a phone number. You know only if you have been trained by school or life to recognize the pattern.
I recognize the patterns of your muscles, your eyes and nerves.
A friend of mine can listen to a piece of classical music and can tell you the composer and the time period it was created in. That is not so surprising. Probably many people can do that. What is unique about her is that she can tell you what orchestra is playing and often even who is conducting.
Imagine being able to hear the nuances of when the viola comes in or the strength of the wind section and be able to recognize who it is. Her ears are tuned into things most of us will never hear.
I can “hear” your lymph flow, the streaming of your blood and cerebral spinal fluid with my hands.
My mother can walk into a museum and recognize major classical artists whether she has studied their work deeply or not. She recognizes the brush strokes, the type of scene, the colors used. Me, I can pretty much tell a Van Gogh but despite all the museums I went to as a child, not much more than that.
But I can see in the way you walk or move or laugh, some of the stuck places, some of the signs of pain or where one part of your body is not communicating with another. I can “see” the difference between a health joint and one that is damaged.
I don’t drink wine but I know of people who can take a sip of wine and tell you the year, the country and who bottled the wine. Is it magic what they do? Could anyone with enough desire learn how to do it?
You could learn what I know. You might even do it faster than the 25 years it has taken me. You could learn if you wanted to. A few years ago I spent 100 days in class and held a job as the director of vision services for a large complementary and alternative medicine clinic.
Now imagine for a moment that a heart has stopped and you are doing CPR. What are you doing?
Apply pressure, a specific kind of pressure in a specific location and if they are lucky their heart will start beating again and life will go on healthy and strong.
That is what I do. I use my hands to apply a specific amount of pressure in a specific locations to normalize the rhythms and flow in the body. And if we are lucky the cells will start beating, talking and laughing again and life will go on healthy and strong.
Originally published at May 23, 2014.