Pekudei / פְקוּדֵי Accounting Exodus 38:21–40:38 Torah Study and Poetry (24)
A B’nai Mitzvah Torah Planner with Poetry and Inspiration.
Finished The Work
I wish I had a clear sign
every time
I have to decide
stay in this place
or begin on a new journey
stay in bed for a few more minutes
warm and comfortable but hungry
or start my day
go out into the world
and see what has changed
an unseen presence
letting me know
whether to stay or go
Exodus 40:33–38
Exodus 40: 33 And he set up the enclosure around the Tabernacle and the altar, and put up the screen for the gate of the enclosure. When Moses had finished the work,
34 the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the Presence of the LORD filled the Tabernacle.
35 Moses could not enter the Tent of Meeting, because the cloud had settled upon it and the Presence of the LORD filled the Tabernacle.
36 When the cloud lifted from the Tabernacle, the Israelites would set out, on their various journeys;
37 but if the cloud did not lift, they would not set out until such time as it did lift.
38 For over the Tabernacle a cloud of the LORD rested by day, and fire would appear in it by night, in the view of all the house of Israel throughout their journeys. (
Originally Published in Pekudei / פְקוּדֵי Exodus 38:21–40:38 Journal Your Journey Through a Year of Torah on March 21, 2020.