Reconciliation: Peaceful Interceding in the Kachin / Jingpho / Jinghpaw Language of Myanmar and China

Kimberly Burnham
2 min readNov 5, 2020


Peace poetry can save a life and a brain, yours, mine and ….

Peaceful Interceding Kachin Language China Poetry Photo by Robert Nyman on Unsplash

Be the “Htingrai” you wish to see / in Kachin spoke in China

Htingrai Htingrat” mean atonement / a translation from the Hebrew “kaphar” to cover / appease, make atonement, cleanse, forgive, be merciful / pacify, pardon, purge, put off, reconcile / and the Greek “katallage” meaning to exchange / restoration to (the divine) favor / atonement and reconciliation

Htingrai” is to intercede / intervene, mediate, plead, negotiate, arbitrate / or act as a go between

Htingrat” is to be conciliated / make peace, pacify, appease, reconcile, resolve differences / to restore peace and order / reinstate, re-establish, bring back, return / to reach an agreement / to conclude as a treaty / agreement, accord, contract, pact, truce

Htingrai Htingrat” translates as propitiate / appease, conciliate, pacify, settle, satisfy / conciliate, make peace, pacify, appease / reconcile, resolve differences / offer as a sacrifice / atonement or compensation, amends / penitence, penance, punishment / apology, recompense / to make peace

Htinglu Htinglai” reconciliation

Htingrat Htinglu” restore / restoration

Htinglu” to mediate / arbitrate, intercede, referee, umpire / intervene, reconcile / intercede, intervene, mediate, plead / ask on somebody’s behalf / negotiate, act as mediator

A Peace Maker

“Htinglai” to intercede / intervene, mediate, plead, negotiate, arbitrate / act as a go between

“Htinglu htinglai” to be reconciled / settle, bring together, reunite, resolve, merge / conclude terms of peace / mediate, intercession / to intercede intervene, mediate, plead, negotiate, arbitrate / act as a go between / literally to drink the “peace cup”

These words picture for us / taking together / over a peace cup of reconciliation.

Reconciliation: Peaceful Interceding in the Kachin Language of China in sharing a cup of tea by Ines Iachelini on Unsplash

​Originally Published in Peace Poetry Dictionary, The Meaning of Peace and Calm in 5000 Languages on November 5, 2020.



Kimberly Burnham
Kimberly Burnham

Written by Kimberly Burnham

(She/Her) Writer, Poet, currently working on a memoir, Mistaken for a Man, a Story for Anyone Struggling to Feel Comfortable in Their Own Skin, Clothes, & ...

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