Sicilian Peace And Abundance

Kimberly Burnham
2 min readFeb 21, 2021


A Daily Dose of Peace. Each week, I focus on Love, Joy, and Peace in the world languages. February’s second week focuses on words of peace that start with A around the word.

Hand In Hand

Peace and abundance
run towards the future
hand in hand
in Sicilian
on a great island at the boot of Italy
one word “Abbentu”
holds both peace and

Another Sicilian word “paci”
the Italian “pace” or English peace
means both peace and slow

Pace, Paci, peace in Sicilian poetry with Kimberly burnham. Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash

Sicilian and Maltese Cousins

Which language is Maltese closest to
some say it is closest to Sicilian
a descendent not from Spanish but from Sicilian
descended from Latin

Maltese descended from Siculo-Arabic
an extinct Semitic variety of Arabic
developed in Sicily
later introduced to Malta

Sicilian Civilization

Sicilians have been many people speaking many languages
Sicels, Sicanians, Elymians, Greek, Phoenicians, Romans,
Vandals, Goths, Byzantines, Muslims, Normans,
French, and Spanish,
the Sicilian language influenced by each

Each Sicilian word bears witness
to distinctive domination
and incomparable culture
some are warriors
some peacemakers

Sicilians say peace “Paci”
meaning peace, slow, slowness, tranquility,
serenity, quiet, and patience
Influenced by the French “Paix”
Spanish “Paz”

Sicily peace, paci, pace poetry with Kimberly Burnham Photo by Antonio Sessa on Unsplash

Is Peace Slow

In the southern Italian language of Sicilian
peace is “paci”
slowness tranquility serenity
quiet patience and yes peace

“Citu” is quiet still noiseless
and yes peaceful

“Cuitùtini” an antiquated word that is similar
quiet peace tranquility along with
“cuitanza” and “cuitizza”

Similar to the English word “placidu”
means calm tranquil peaceful

While “bunazza” is calm peace
and lull as if
slowly lulling into a peaceful sleep

A Sicilian Poem to Bread

Bread that in the madia yeast slow
that of every table you are the beauty
because who holds you is serene
because you give joy, peace and wealth.

Our bread, father of the poor,
companion of those who work,
our dishes you make most beautiful,
you are the first of our flavors

Pane che nella madia lieviti lento,
che di ogni tavola sei la bellezza,
perché chi ti stringe è sereno
perché doni gioia, pace e ricchezza

Pane nostro, padre dei poveri
compagno di chi lavora
i nostri piatti fai più belli
sei tu il primo dei nostri sapori

— Ferribotti

Originally Published in Peace Poetry Dictionary, The Meaning of Peace and Calm in 5000 Languages on February 20, 2021.



Kimberly Burnham
Kimberly Burnham

Written by Kimberly Burnham

(She/Her) Writer, Poet, currently working on a memoir, Mistaken for a Man, a Story for Anyone Struggling to Feel Comfortable in Their Own Skin, Clothes, & ...

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