Sound of Peace in Catalan of Spain and Italy in a Daily Dose of Peace

Kimberly Burnham
2 min readFeb 15, 2021


A Daily Dose of Peace. Each week, I focus on Love, Joy, and Peace in the world languages. February’s second week focuses on Italy in Europe.

Catalan-Valencian-Balear “Amor” (love), “Goig” (joy), “Pau” (peace)
Catalan / Valencian — “Que la Pau Prevalgui a la Terra” (may peace prevail on earth)

The Sound of Coming Peace

A quote from Catalan
a language spoken in several European countries
including italy

“Venir de pau,
o en so de pau:
comparèixer a un lloc
sense intencions bel·licoses”

To come in peace,
or in the sound of peace:
to appear in a place
without warlike intentions.

What does a place without
warlike intentions sound like
what does a person
who comes in peace
sound like

Catalan spoken in Spain and Italy peace poetry with Kimberly Burnham. Photo by Federico Beccari on Unsplash

Teach A Child Bizaaniwewin Peace

Known well
easier to learn a foreign language
at an early age
today teach a child
“miers” the word for peace
in Latvian
help them learn “pau”
peace in Catalán spoken in Andorra
at an early age

They will get a jump on pondering how
to create more “talwit”
in the world of Central Atlas Tamazight
or how to share “bizaaniwewin”
with the Central Minnesota Chippewa
long before they are old
so when they are grown
there will be “shalom”, “heping”, “vrede”, “mir”
stirring in their head
where ever they wake up

Catalan peace poetry with Kimberly Burnham. Photo by Lucas Neves on Unsplash

Peace Captivating Catalán

Pau (peace) and
aquietar (calm) are
ullprenedor (captivating)

Pausa (tranquility)
equanimitat (peace)
asserenament (calm) more
calma (peace)
esgotar (calm) causes one to

Calmar (be at peace)
assossec (tranquility)
tranquillitat (peace)
asserenar (calm)
la pau (the peace)
assossegat (tranquil) all very
nodridor (nourishing)

“Pau” is peace in Catalán spoken in Catalonia, the Valencian Region, the Balearic Islands, the Franja (Fringe of Aragon), in Andorra, Roussillon and Alghero (Sardinia).

Originally Published in Finding Peace in Italy, a Travel and Meditation Journal on February 14, 2021.



Kimberly Burnham
Kimberly Burnham

Written by Kimberly Burnham

(She/Her) Writer, Poet, currently working on a memoir, Mistaken for a Man, a Story for Anyone Struggling to Feel Comfortable in Their Own Skin, Clothes, & ...

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