Toldot תּוֹלְדוֹת Generations Genesis 25:19–28:9 Torah Study and Poetry (6)

Kimberly Burnham
3 min readNov 21, 2020


A B’nai Mitzvah Torah Planner with Poetry and Inspiration.

Esau Red in Hebrew is Edom Limericks and Torah poetry with Kimberly Burnham by Sérgio Rola on Unsplash

Timeless Connections

Speak the names of the generations before
name the children, grandchildren, cousins
and loved ones
follow the stream of time
celebrate “Toldot”
generations in Hebrew

―Genesis 25:19–28:9


Hebrew words for thanksgiving
“hoda’ah” also means acknowledgment
offering thanks but also notice the abundance
and feeling gratitude
for the moments
Acknowledge the emotions
the joy and the sorrow
the abundance and the loss

―Genesis 25:19–28:9

Brithright sold for red lentil stew in Torah poetry of Toldot by TJ Arnold on Unsplash


Open your heart to this parsha
if you have been considering
what is my birthright
what do people have a right to
because of the circumstance of birth
Is a birthright different from a human right?
or a living creature’s right
Engage if you have been considering
what are your birth responsibilities?
duties that come with the blessings
and circumstance of your birth
What would you be willing to give up for food?
for nourishment, for sustenance
What should anyone
have to give in exchange for enough food

―Genesis 25:30–34

Favored Young

Sometimes youth is favored
over experience
luck over wisdom
life as it is
Abel over Cain
Isaac over Ishmael
Jacob over Esau
Joseph and Benjamin over their elder half-brothers
Ephraim over Manasseh
Engage with this parsha if you have been feeling
you have not been getting what you are due
respect, money, ease of life
learn and reconcile
find the blessings meant for you
Today’s seemingly powerful
face the disempowered
do learn reconcile so all may find blessings

―Genesis 25:22–23


Engage with this parsha
if you have been in a situation
partly of your own making where you did not have enough
had to rely on the generosity of family
if you feel judged
or out of control at times of all the variables
to ensure that you have enough to eat

―Genesis 25:29

Wild ourdoors vs the safety and food of the camp in Torah poetry with kimberly Burnham by Gede Wirahadi Pradnyana on Unsplash

Esau Haiku

Esau born hairy
Edom Hebrew for red sold
birthright for lentils

―Genesis 25:25

Esau Limerick

There once was a man born hairy and red
Esau called Edom or Hebrew for red
in the outdoors he hunted wild game
living free and untamed just the same
his birthright he exchanged for red lentil stew with bread

―Genesis 25:25

Jacob Limerick

Once was born a man grabbing the heel of his brother
mild-mannered in camp with the adoration of his mother
one day Jacob stewed red lentils delicious in full sight
with a plan to buy off his twin’s birthright
having eaten the stew Esau wished Jacob he could smother

―Genesis 25:26

Originally Published in Toldot Genesis 25:19–28:9 Journal Your Journey Through a Year of Torah on November 30, 2019.



Kimberly Burnham

(She/Her) Writer, Poet, currently working on a memoir, Mistaken for a Man, a Story for Anyone Struggling to Feel Comfortable in Their Own Skin, Clothes, & ...