Truth & Fears: An Energy Medicine Teacher and Practitioner’s Response To Crisis
A Natural Health and Wellness Interview
Recently I had a chance to catch up with a friend, Cheryl Andersen, who is also a remarkable energy medicine practitioner/teacher and matrix energetics practitioner. Here is what she had to say about energetic healing, heart health and what energy medicine practitioners can do for their own health when there are issues.
Kimberly Burnham: How has Energetic Healing changed your life?
Cheryl Andersen: Becoming a practitioner and teacher of Energetic Healing 18 years ago changed my life. I often think of what the poet, George Carlin, said: “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” Using Energetic Healing to help others in any area of their lives and having it work with ease takes my breath away. For me, traveling this road is a sacred journey. And it is not a destination. It is a gift that continues to evolve. I believe I will be able to teach Energetic Healing again with other people’s help.
KB: What healing approaches have already helped with your heart condition?
Cheryl Andersen: I was hospitalized in 2017 with Congestive Heart Failure, and A-Fib. I applied The Yuen Method of Chinese Energetics and Matrix Energetics, two amazing transformational Energetic Programs. Both helped me with depression and staying balanced as I substituted natural products for medicine I’d been given. My work stopped so I could learn my lesson: “Always take care of yourself first Cheryl, so you will be able to help others.” I experienced that backwards as I believe many women often have done as well.
KB: What is the place of Mainstream Medicine in an energy practitioner’s life?
Cheryl Andersen: Mainstream Medicine can provide a partnership in an energy practitioner’s life. Emergency Rooms, Trauma Centers, and Medical Research Centers are all part of Mainstream Medicine. They should be supported if they are meeting the needs of people. We all need to take personal responsibility for our own health. Chronic disease and drug abuse both concern all of us in the healing world. Many doctors are often too busy to add alternative methods to what they already offer. We all need help embracing wellness, addressing rising health care costs, and building healthy communities. So why not find the best ways to work with one another in the business of healing people around our planet rather than being divisive.
KB: What makes you feel powerful or good?
Cheryl Andersen: I believe that feeling Powerful is when I can listen beyond my current set of concerns and other people often show up then as powerful. My Quest then is to live in the Mystery and Create New Possibilities for Health and Wholeness and re-create my Foundation Workshops:
So I ask: What if you could master the basics of self-care with ease and passion and make lasting changes in the quality of your own life and in the lives of others?
For students and practitioners: My vision is for you to experience the possibility of new realms and breakthroughs in your life. Be creative and outrageous and know you can live the life you came here to live. And while there is a certain shape to learning and practicing what you learn, when it becomes your own and you develop your skills in your natural manner, true magic will happen.
KB: What has it been like for you to ask the Universe and friends, family, and strangers for what you need?
Cheryl Andersen: First concern was I know that there is no future for me until I have taken responsibility for my past. Responsibility is a Privilege — not a burden! I am always at cause in the matter, and I am able to respond=responsibility!
Time and life belong to each of us, and the saying that showed up here is:
“BE Yourself, for Self-Expression is a Contribution.” And I think it takes courage to be a truth teller under my circumstances.”
My second concern was about people in the healing world who have been my students and others who knew who I was and the work I did…some being my clients. I thought they would see my story and wonder why I just could not heal myself given what I teach others to do and the work I have believed in and continue to believe in. Something like this conversation I had with myself sounded like this: “Hmmm What happened to Cheryl.”
“Others will underestimate us, for although we judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, others judge us only by what we have already done.” — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Well, then I responded to myself. “Cheryl, just tell the truth.” You did not focus on yourself much at all in terms of healing work. You were not taking good care of yourself and when you could no longer play tennis because of a hip replacement, your own therapy suffered. And now???
There is an archetype called Willing Sacrifice, which I learned about in my Dreamwork Classes in Graduate School.
I do not necessarily like it, yet it allows me to be a truth teller on my journey. Standing in that place, I feel at ease sharing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual breakdowns with the Universe, friends, family, and strangers here.
“It is only in willingly sacrificing itself in letting go of the previously cherished sense of identity and purpose, that any new more complete and aware self can come into being….the Willing Sacrifice is given shape in the one that dies so that others may live….it is only by giving up that sense of self in the world that further growth and change can take place.”
“How Many Years have you used up, Cheryl.”
“I must be present in an ordinary way so
Those who Pass by might say
‘Ah, She is here; She belongs!’
I can no longer be limited by machines
Shut down with a switch.
I must live fully in all the worlds”
I love the word Compassion and all of its many meanings and not meanings:
Not Pity but Celebration;
Not Sentiment but Doing Works of Mercy;
Not a Religion but a Spirituality;
Not a Moral Commandment, but a Flow,
an Overflow of the Fullest Human and Divine Energies.
Originally published at on May 3, 2018..