Visualization Poetry from Year of The Poet (Vol 15)
Featured in The Year of the Poet March, 2015 Volume 15.
Something Suspicious
A friend diagnosed / something “suspicious” / ominous follow up tests / loom knowing the power / of positive thinking / of relaxation / of guided imagery / visualization, I write / a poem just for her / for the life she will have / after it turns out / nothing is wrong
I write as if we are / the future looking back / the day she is told / she was healthy / nothing to worry about
That day came soon / after I wrote the poem / I like to think / in the precious light of life / my poem affects her future
There is power / in being able to see / your future / shimmering positive / saying, “worrying is like / praying for what you don’t want.” / what do you pray?
Of course, Mark Twain said / I know that worrying works / for nothing / I have ever worried / about has come true.
Visions of Delight
Before I turned 80 / before my eyes had healed / when the world was bleak and grey / Yes, I remember it all changed / my eyes seeing / the pink of the neighborhood rose garden / orange tulips late in the spring / that Fall smelling the fragrant dahlias / puffed open by time, water, sunshine / and the hand of something magical in the universe
How the swelling around my eyes / disappeared in the moonlight / full outside my window / remember how fast my ribs healed / bone cells reaching out for one another / sharing calcium and oxygen / healing nutrients flowed so easily
As I drove my car out of the garage / clean and ordered / just the way I keep it / and the trip up north / with delightful friends and a niece / how they listened to my stories / looked into my eyes / I felt seen / they honoring my wisdom / I saw my strength through their eyes
Clarity rolling in like an ocean breeze / and the time I walked in the sand / feeling the warm, wet, gleaming grains of quartz / then sitting under the blue beach umbrella / reading a fascinating novel / about an Egyptian woman who succeeded / in changing her world / with her words and the way she walked
And I saw my way clear / adapting new technologies with ease / connecting me to a whole new world / making me young again / delighting in the energy / breaking the barriers / creating the flow / in the Spring thaw / when all is alive new again in the world.
A Sunday River Rich and Satisfying
In joy / surrounded / by those I am devoted to / and loved by / I truly see / what I have created / for myself / for them / for one and all
A planet playground / teaming abundance / red hibiscus and golden wattle / fragrant with eucalyptus / a place for the playfulness of children / the community nurturing them / as they in turn / love up those with wisdom / acquired through years
I see my hand in this past / pointing step by step to now / creating myself / with so many others / in a diverse interconnected universe / bubbling out of the melding / time and space / love and laughter / work and play / till now when all has become one / in the peace and beauty
I laugh.
Originally published in The Year of The Poet at on March 1, 2015.