Winter Fear Poetry from Year of The Poet (Vol 34)
Featured in The Year of the Poet October, 2016 Volume 34.
Patterns in Winter
Winter is coming
storm clouds massing
like a tree
I must make the best
of what is around me
strength I have gathered
over the summer
An accounting is approaching
have I made excellent use
of sunlight and water
nourished by relationships
and food
Patterns are flowing
all around me
do I see the spring
beyond the winter
the year beyond
the closing doors
Opportunities are swirling
ducking in and out of sight
like quantum electrons
shaping reality
whether I see hope
in the pattern
or know the beauty in the winter
before the spring
One More Day
I want one more day
to live and love
Closure brings tears
a relationship ended
by death
Lack of closure brings heartache
wondering what is left unsaid
is it hate or sadness
hiding the words away
loss and love mingling
part of the journey
is left behind
Say what you need to say
I am listening
share what you need to share
I am wondering
Do what you need to do
to honor the end
regretting the pain
while treasuring
joy along the journey
Fear in Balance
You are reasonable
now go ahead
change the world
be consistently correct
perfectly control every detail
if you can
To avoid other’s condemnation
fear rising so strong
resist criticizing
let not righteousness turn
to self-righteous
You are loving
now help the world
give generously of your love
Expecting nothing in return
where disappointment lurks
with manipulative friends
and vindictive strangers
You are outstanding
now harness the fear
achieve greatness
be daring
strive to accept the attention
be impressive
Befriend the worthlessness
focused child within
the one who has not yet
overcome fear of failure
or chained the inner psychopath
You are unique
now find ideal love
you are cherished for who you are
be the artist
express the beauty you hold within
dream big
Unique like everyone else
use your particular strengths
rise above the insignificance,
self-indulgence, and broken heart
You are perceptive
now discover, grow, observe
curiosity is a gift
experience connection with those
who explore the world
Remember every cell is listening
if you condemn yourself
with words of incompetence
do battle with the inner recluse
who keenly feels your disapproval
You are reliable
now find safety in the approval
of those who love you
they are worthy of love and loyalty
as are you
Once in a while
jump before you look
and marvel in the beauty
you create
You are enthusiastic
and there is enough
life, food, delight
enjoy the adventure
textures, sensations
experience fully
And share
life is a balance
pleasure and pain
You are strong
and I will follow you with love
be independent
a self-confident leader of communities
Without bossiness and dominance
I already know I am not
the boss of you
You are whole within yourself
now use your gifts in communication
be the diplomat
mediate the sides
find the third narrative
Yet loss is inevitable
closure can ease the pain
and sooth numbness
with a graceful goodbye
Originally published in The Year of The Poet (Vol 34) at on October 1, 2016.